Grass Valley Aikikai
Dues and Fees

Payment is by the month and represents membership in a club. Members may train as much as they wish. Beginners are encouraged to attend at least twice a week. Kids may attend adult classes and vice versa. Dues are to be paid regardless of how many classes are attended and are due before the first of the month. It takes everyone’s help for us to be able to practice this beautiful art.
Once an initial trial period is passed, please make a commitment to pay your dues regularly to support the dojo. We do not make a profit or pay the chief instructor and therefore rely on the dues to pay the rent and utilities. A leave of absence (one month minimum) will be granted if applied for in advance.
It is our policy that no sincere student shall be denied membership due to financial hardship. If there is a need for assistance, please speak to the chief instructor or a senior student.
Dues: $125/month (prorated if joining mid-month)
Family discount: First family member – full price. Additional family members – half price.
Insurance: Students are expected to have health insurance. We also assess each family a $50 insurance fee each year in May for a dojo sports policy.
Birankai International is our parent organization and consists of 3 geographical branches, Birankai North America, British Birankai, and Birankai Europe. It is required that adult members of our dojo be members of Birankai North America. The fee is $50 a year, payable in January. Birankai North America hosts an annual summer camp and various seminars throughout the year. Membership includes a subscription to Biran, a quarterly on-line newsletter. For more information go to .
Promotion Tests: Dedicated students will advance in rank via promotion tests. Rank is subjective and is customized to the individual student. Promotions are not emphasized. In addition to physical ability, maturity and commitment to training are taken into consideration. There is a test fee of $20.
Uniforms: any loose clothing may be worn at first. Uniforms are available here, price varies by size and type, $20-$45. It is best to wait a month before purchasing a uniform.