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Grass Valley Aikikai Illness and Injury Policy   

Members and teachers are asked to stay away from the dojo if they have a cold, a fever, or other infectious disease. Students who do not feel well during class or are injured are never forced to continue training. Students may always retire to watch or may lie down. Blankets are available. Students are always allowed access to water or other necessary resources. Emergency first aid supplies and ice packs are available. All minor injuries or illnesses in youth will be reported to parents upon pick-up. Parents or emergency contacts will be informed immediately in the case of serious events. If an injury or illness is severe or life threatening, the instructor will call 911 first and notify the parent as soon as possible afterward.  

Report all injuries to the instructor immediately. If a student is too injured to go to the instructor, then their partner or another student should make the report. If a student realizes later when at home that they were injured, they should notify the instructor by phone. All injuries are to be recorded on the injury log. An injury report form is to be filled out in the event of a serious injury.  
Students should have a supply of tape, bandaids, etc., for personal use. Dojo supplies should only be used for fresh injuries. For safety reasons, no jewelry is allowed on the mat.  

Blood Policy 


  1. It is recommended that instructors and students treat all exposed body fluids as if they were infectious.

  2. It is recommended that prior to training students inspect the exposed parts of the body for open wounds such as abrasions, cuts or sores, and cover open wounds securely with a leak proof dressing. It is recommended that fingernails and toenails be kept trimmed and smooth in order not to be a cause of cuts, and that students not share nail files or nail clippers.

  3. It is recommended that if the skin is broken during training the student leaves the mat and applies a secure dressing. In some cases this means that the student waits long enough to stop sweating. If another person assists, it is recommended that they wear gloves or be very careful to avoid direct blood contact.

  4. It is recommended that blood spills onto the mat or the uniform be treated with peroxide and/ or bleach. It is recommended that gloves be worn, unless it is the student’s own blood.

  5.  It is recommended that it is the responsibility of the class instructor to ensure that open wounds and blood spills are handled appropriately



It is recommended that teachers and members be knowledgeable in CPR and first aid. Teachers and members will participate in random emergency practice drills to simulate evacuations and medical emergencies. A fire extinguisher is available. An injury/illness log is maintained. Serious injuries are reported to our school’s parent organization.  

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